I've spent a few days making flower arrangements. It is "Decoration time" here. I got sunburned today. We planted some of our flowers in the flower beds. One area needs to be tilled first and we have to build a flower bed for some perennials.
I got some green plants called "Hens and chicks" or Sempervivum.
Some research for pictures on the Internet showed many great ideas for planting them. You can plant them in Strawberry planters or pots or in beds. They multiply and have little plants that shoot off to the sides that can be propagated. [ To propagate, simply split off the "chicks" from the "hen" parent plant and transplant them. You can transplant them directly into soil.]
This was my favorite picture. I think they look very pretty planted together like this around rocks.
Picture from The Urban Homesteaders blog HERE
Our cat Chochi who was attacked recently by a dog/ or coyote was pregnant! Bless her heart. All those internal injuries and then a birth.
We were very concerned over her pregnancy. At first we thought she was just fat because we had fed her a lot of canned food during the time when she was healing after the attack. As time passed we realized she was pregnant.
She had a rough birth late Thursday night and Friday morning. We were close by. Three kittens died and two very small ones lived. She is a good Mom but very different than my other Mom cat, Pollyanna was with her babies. Pollyanna always liked to be left alone with her kittens. We thought Chochi would want privacy too, but she did not. When we left her alone she kept meowing and coming to us and then wanting us to follow her to her kittens. Later we realized she needed help and was nervous as a first time Mother. The babies are so small they have a hard time staying in place to eat. There little heads wobble and they lose their place. One is extremely tiny and the other is somewhat bigger. One is grey and dark, one is orange.
Chochi is very much dependent on us. She is a good Mother but needs help at feeding time. When the babies cry, she meows and then comes to Armando or me and then takes us to her babies and gets inside her bed and rolls on her back. We have to place the babies to eat and hold them there sometimes. I am glad she lets us help her, because the babies are so small, it is important that they get enough nutrition.
See a video here of Chochi with her babies.
Well, I am off to start cleaning my hard drive of files and backing stuff up...
A Girl's Gotta Do, What a Girl's Gotta Do!
Have a great weekend!