Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yesterday at Ricardo's house

We had a great time yesterday at Armando's best friend's house. We had lunch and spent the day there.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from yesterday.

Ricardo's beautiful cactus garden and the grapevine arbor.





Mary said...

Cactus is beautiful. Do I see a bloom on the tall one? And a grape arbor - complete with grapes. So glad you're having a good trip and that you're sharing it with us. Everything sounds perfect.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous photos, Michelle. I hope you and Armando are having the time of your lives!! You so deserve it! Love to you both!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time. The grapes look so wonderful, I would love to eat them right off the vines. It is nice to spend time with Armando's friend. Is he a hottie too?

Andrew said...

I am just loving all these photos. Chile looks like such a pleasant place. I am reading you everyday, but just am not commenting on a lot of blogs these days -- feeling shy. Thinking and you and Godspeed on your journey home in a few weeks. You will get two summers this year!

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOO, catus, I like those plants, they take a lot of abuse and almost never die on ya! :)