Thursday, May 24, 2007


As if I did not have enough cats already, I have taken in some abandoned kittens. The poor things were in bad shape and so hungry and they needed a lot of love and care as well as several baths!

They like the milk a lot and are doing great! They are gaining weight. So, in case you wonder why I haven’t been posting and where I have been, I’ve been bottle feeding kittens mostly, it seems like they’re hungry every two hours or so!

Let’s hope they continue to do well and that I can find homes for them all (or I can keep one… maybe) but the rest must go when they are old enough.

This is the second set of kittens I have bottle fed. The first were Pollyanna and her brother Cotton Jim who lost their Mom as babies. (A car ran over their Mom and I adopted them.) Pollyanna is doing great and has been Mom several times herself. Cotton Jim is in cat heaven. I miss him.

I will try to post a video or some pictures of the kittens later.


Anonymous said...

Hope you and the kittens have a great Memorial Day. Be well,

Anonymous said...

kitty pictures
kitty pictures
kitty pictures!

It's me kat :)